• Trends in national mortality rates •  

Graphs showing time trends in mortality rates

Male all-cause mortality at different ages between

0 and 84 years, England and Wales: 1841-2006

Graph showing male all-cause mortality at different ages between 0 & 84 years, England and Wales, since 1841

Comment: For details, see special graphs 166-168, 172-175, and 178-180. (The light-green legend item, which may be hard to read, says "Age 35-49 years".) The plotted line for 'age < 1 year' is the number of deaths per 100 000 alive at mid-year, rather than (as in special graph 180) the number of deaths per 100 000 live births in the particular year. It starts in 1875 because of undercounting of births (and possibly deaths) in earlier years.

Method: Mortality rates were downloaded from the Human Mortality Database (see or on 4 December 2009. The plotted lines connect unsmoothed values.

WHO mortality rates for particular countries, ages and causes of death