• Trends in national mortality rates •  

Graphs showing time trends in mortality rates

All-cause mortality at age 15-34 years in

Sweden: 1750-2007

Graph showing all-cause mortality at age 15-34 years in Sweden since 1750

Colours: The coloured diamonds represent Swedish males (blue) and females (red); for comparison, the light grey curves represent males (generally the upper grey curve) and females (generally the lower) in England & Wales.

Comment: The six years with the highest recorded mortality rates for young Swedish males are, in descending order, 1773 (famine), 1789 (war against Russia), 1809 (another war against Russia), 1772 (famine) and 1918 (influenza).

Method: Mortality rates were downloaded from the Human Mortality Database (see or on 4 December 2009. The plotted lines connect unsmoothed values.

WHO mortality rates for particular countries, ages and causes of death