• Trends in national mortality rates •  

Graphs showing time trends in mortality rates

Male all-cause mortality at age 15-34 years in different parts of the

United Kingdom: 1880-2006 (restricted vertical axis)

Graph showing all-cause mortality at age 15-34 years in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, since 1880

Comment: In contrast with the data for England, Wales and Scotland, the data for Northern Ireland appear not to include military deaths abroad during the Second World War.

Method: Mortality rates were downloaded from the Human Mortality Database (see or on 4 December 2009. The mortality rates have been smoothed, as three-year moving averages (see the Info page for details), to enable comparisons of several nations on one graph. The smoothing causes transient deviations from the general trend to be understated, though the area under the curve remains the same.

WHO mortality rates for particular countries, ages and causes of death